I Am Back - Let's talk about Life
Well, after posting my work stuff, I guess it is time to tell you guys a little bit of myself, my life.
Before I back track... It is now 2am. I am now in Bukit Mertajam for Christmas. Just came back from karaoke session with my family. It was the first time for us, going to a karaoke that has almost the same system and concept like Kotak Merah and Jalan Baru, if you ever know what I mean. It was fun~! My parents and sisters heard me sing for the first time (^_^)
Myself, My Life
Life was pretty much OK since 4 months ago. Other than work, I do have my own time for my own things. Things that I like to do are like cooking, singing, reading and of course looking out at my balcony and think of things. Many things... I like to observe how people walk, how people rush for time and wondering why they do that.
For some reason, I like to challenge my own thinking. Well, in a healthy way though. For instance, I can be reading a book and suddenly I will question myself why such article and then start thinking.
One of the topic that I have been thinking and try to proof myself right is a topic that has to do with "I dont have enough time." or "I got no time.". Yes, the topic is all about TIME and how you can control it.
Andrew's Theory on Control Your Own Time
Let me tell you something, something that will maybe wake you up. Or perhaps will make you understand why you always say "I got no time" or "I got not enough time".
Everyone has 24 hours. No one has more or less than that. So, how does "I do not have enough time" or "I do not have time" become a valid sentence? Or even a valid reason or excuse?
We must understand that it is not "inssuficient" time that caused us to saying such statement, it is the ability or power to control time that is lacking, that's why we are making such statement.
Well, if you can accept whatever that you will read later, good for you. But you must try to achieve it. However, if you cannot accept it, you better think hard and try to see if you can. For it is the only truth why "You do not have time or enough time".I came up with a conclusion that it is because of you "cannot control your own time", that's why you thought that you do not have "enough" time.
Why you asked? Because you need to work and you work for other people. Your boss / company determine when you can go home; your job determines when you can go for holidays; your job makes you work on weekends and etc..
Doesnt it make any sense? Others are controlling your time. Why sometimes you can see people going for movies in the afternoon, at 3pm, while you are stucked in your office? Why some other people can wake up at 10am, then lunch at 12pm, then take a short nap at 4pm and didnt face any financial problems?
It is not they are rich or whatsoever, some not-rich people can also have that kind of lifestyle. Why? Because they control their own time~! They determine when they can do certain things, not other people.
Well, all of us have to start with "not enough time" and "no time" somehow. My point is, do not stuck in that kind of situation too long. For what you know, you may missed the most important thing in your life, missed the chances, opportunities and maybe even missed the "near future" because you only have "enough time" to think of what you are doing now. You do not even dare to think of what's next!
Wow, long post uh? Basically... I am doing great. I am heading towards the goal of having the power to control my own time. I am nearly there... A little bit more. It took me a lot of hardwork and persistance to be able to reach the goal. Soon, I will be watching movies at 3pm or take a nap at 4pm, while my friends are stucked in the office.
Physical wise, I pulled my left thigh muscle for only-God-knows-why reason. Then I went for bowling with my business associates, after almost 3 no-serious-exercise years. Woke up with my back, right hip and right middle finger aching. I guess the pain will go away in one or two days.
Now I am back in Bkt Mertajam. Everything is kinda slow here. Most of my friends are working, no leave. Some of them are working here, some overseas.
Hope to meet up with at least a few of them before I go back to KL. Oh yeah, I'm attending my college friends' wedding dinner this Sunday (28 Dec 08). It is almost like a gathering all over again.
Stay tune for more updates lo... especially my goal to control my own time.