Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Alright, it's another month and i am here again to write about the happenings for the past 30 days..

well, nothing much happened except for working... *giggles* Only 15th and 29th July, I have organized a Lunch Gathering for INTI Alumni. Unfortunately on the 15th, downpour came and it was cancelled. On the 29th, only a few turned up but it was a great one as we had a great chat.

Many things flew through my mind. Have to settle many things like work, friends, my personal life especially. Never had a chance to sit down and think through it. many respsonsibilities was entrust to me for since the month of August.

Not much time for myself, even the weekends are all occupied by college activities and travelling.

I attended a seminar on last Saturday and Sunday at Corus Hotel, Jalan Ampang. It was a fruitful weekend though. I manage to learn many things during the seminars. Then later on Sunday, after the seminar, I went to Victor Wong's MIni Concert as VIP Guest. It was held in Confucious High School (Ind)

~Yup... My friend and I sat at the 4th row from the stage. I was so surprise of the overwhelming screaming, shouting and picture taking by his fans. Indeed he is one of the talented Malaysian singers that made it internationally.

Victor Wong showing his talent !