Sunday, August 19, 2007

我心中的旋律 - My Melody

Well... recently there are a lot of new songs on air. Especially new mandarin songs played on MyFM...

Other than the new ones, I also downloaded (oops.... dont catch me) some old songs, songs that are worth listening and songs that I have not obtain when the album release. Kinda like "back-ordered" songs. Many of the songs are very touching and some of them... very meaningful.

Some say that you can only appreciate the meaning of the lyric, if it happened to you before or to someone around you. Hmmm... not many people can appreciate lyrics. Some choose to see who is the lyric writer, some go for the singer. For me, irregardless of who is the lyric writer or singer, as long as the lyric is meaningful... I'm OK with it.

Some songs are lousy, in the sense that the lyric carries no meaning at all. They are just words that accompany the music.

There are a few songs that caught my attention... mainly mandarin songs...

曾国辉 - 下一片天空
曹格 - 背叛
黄品冠 - 我以为
张栋梁 - 痛彻心扉
张栋梁 - 日日夜夜

and many more...

Ah? All sad song? Haha...


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