Thursday, May 01, 2008

"White Meat Only" Diet

What kind of ridiculous diet that Andrew has just came up with?

It was a Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian Diet last month and this month is "White Meat Only" diet?

Well, this month, I'm going to eat only white meat... But what on earth does "White Meat" means?

From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

White meat refers to any lighter-colored meat, often contrasted with red meat. White meat or light meat also refers to the lighter-colored meat of poultry as contrasted with "dark meat".

It can be defined into many different definition.

However, my definition of "White Meat Only" diet is as below...

I can only eat...
- Chicken
- Pork (Lean)
- Fish (Non shelled seafood)
- Vegetables
- Dairy Products
- Eggs

I want to keep my diet to be as low cholesterol as possible.

How about that? It will start 2nd May and will last for 30 days which will end 1 June 2008.


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