Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why Pay For Water?

Why pay for water? Or rather, Why pay So Much for water?

Thought of trying this "ever-wonderful" drink named Perrier. So I bought a 750ml bottle at Giant Kelana Jaya this afternoon. It cost me RM7.99. Then I go ahead and look for Evian, another type of "ever-wonderful" water. A promotional price of RM6.29 was tagged on a 1.5 litre bottle. Thinking twice (as usual for my case), I only took the Perrier.

Came back home and chilled the Perrier. Opened it and had a sip, "Whoa!" I felt...... disgusting. It tasted like plain soda water (like the one you can find at IKEA). Nothing special at all. I had about 400ml. I must admit that the bottle is beautiful... Haha...

It's 6 hours after I drank that Perrier, still nothing special happened to me. The only thing that happened to me is that I was ripped off for a bottle of Soda Water form the Mountains of France. Perhaps the only reason why people drink Perrier is so that they can look "high class".

Oh, I'm working on lyrics for a theme song for a Singing Competition. It will be my first official lyric writing (I had editted and translated lyrics for a few songs last time, for my group's usage only). Maybe I should venture into lyrics writing... Hmm... I wonder...

Perrier, "Soda Water" from the Mountain of France
picture courtesy of


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